Hello, and welcome to my website!

You may find yourself here because you, or someone you love is pregnant. If that is the case, congratulations!

You may also be here to learn who I am, what services I offer, or what those services include.

Either way, I am glad you found your way here!

My name is Sydney Rodman. I am on my journey to becoming a midwife and as my business grows I plan on expanding into other maternity, birth, and baby related fields. As a mother of three, I found my passion in birth and babies and have decided to pursue it.

Currently, I am a nursing student with plans of going straight through to be a CNM, or Certified Nurse Midwife. I hope to expand into multiple interrelated fields surrounding pregnancy, birth, babies, and lactation. My dream would be to own and operate my own birth center where both CNMs and CPMs could attend births at the center as well as at the client’s home, whichever the client prefers. I would love to have other types of providers, such as chiropractors, acupuncturists, lactation consultants, etc. all in house. All of this to say, I hope to help women build their village that helps them through the child-raising years. If you want to learn even more about me, you can click the ‘About Me’ tab.